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News & Connections

The APMA website provides multiple networking opportunities to help you stay connected on your terms. Link up through our social media sites or send a note to an old shipmate through our Membership Directory. Don't worry, the directory was specially designed to keep your personal information private. You have control over who you want to reconnect with.
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To keep you informed, we post advisories from the U.S. Coast Guard. The Home Page has their news and key updates from the APMA staff.
APMA Blog Feeds
The Coast Guard would like to amplify the recently released Joint Cybersecurity Advisory (CSA) that highlights recent People’s Republic of China (PRC) sponsored cyber activity seen across U.S. critical infrastructure, including the […] [ Read Full Article ]
The Coast Guard has published Marine Safety Information Bulletin 07-23, to provide notice that an American Samoan may be eligible for a U.S. Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC). [ Read Full Article ]